Browsing by Author Dahmoune, Farid

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Showing results 66 to 83 of 83 < previous 
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2018-12-15RECENT ADVANCES ON STABILITY OF ANTHOCYANINSRemini, Hocine; Dahmoune, Farid; Sahraoui, Yasmine; Madani, Khodir; Kapranov, V.N.; Kiselev, E.F.
2018RECENT ADVANCES ON STABILITY OF ANTHOCYANINSRemin, Hocine; Dahmoune, Farid; Sahraoui, Y.; Madani, K.; Kapranov, V.N.; Kiselev, E.F.
2016Removal of lead(II) from water using activated carbon developed from jujube stones, a low-cost sorbentBouchelkia, Nasma; Mouni, Lotfi; Belkhiri, Lazhar; Bouzaza, Abdelkrim; Bollinger, Jean-Claude; Madani, Khoudir; Dahmoune, Farid
2018Removal of Methylene Blue from aqueous solutions by adsorption on Kaolin: Kinetic and equilibrium studiesRemini, Houcine; Madani, Khodir; Mouni, Lotfi; Dahmoune, Farid; Tirrib, Amar; Bollingerc, Jean-Claude; Bouzazad, Abdelkrim; Belkhirib, Lazhar; Assadid, Aymen
2016Research Article Optimisation Of Solvent Extraction Of Antioxidants (Phenolic Compounds) From Algerian Mint (Mentha spicata L.)Dahmoune, Farid
2016Research Article Optimisation Of Solvent Extraction Of Antioxidants (Phenolic Compounds) From Algerian Mint (Mentha spicata L.)Dahmoune, Farid
2020-07-30Response Surface Methodology Optimization of Microwave-Assisted Polysaccharide Extraction from Algerian Jujube (Zizyphus lotus L.) Pulp and PeelBerkani, Farida; Dahmoune, Farid; Achat, Sabiha; Dairi, Sofiane; Kadri, Nabil; Zeghichi-Hamri, Sabrina; Abbou, Amina; Benzitoune, Imane; Adel, Khadidja; Remini, Hocine; Belbahi, Amine; Madani, Khodir
2023-02Study of microwave and convective drying kinetics of pea pods (Pisum sativum L.): A new modeling approach using support vector regression methods optimized by dragonfly algorithm techniqueDahmoune, Farid
2020-03Supercritical fractionation of antioxidants from algerian Opuntia ficus‐indica (L.) Mill. seedsKhaled, Souad; Dahmoune, Farid; Madani, Khodir; Urieta, José Santiago; Mainar, Ana Maria
2020-03Supercritical fractionation of antioxidants from algerian Opuntia ficus‐indica (L.) Mill. seedsDahmoune, Farid
2012teneur en nitrate (TN) de l’extrait d'échantillon influencé ou non l’erreur relative (ER,%) de la méthode déjà décrit dans la littérature (Golubev, 1989).➢ Dans une deuxième …Dahmoune, Farid
2020-03-03TITLE CITED BY YEAR Supercritical fractionation of antioxidants from algerian Opuntia ficus‐indica (L.) Mill. seedsDahmoune, Farid
2020-11-11Ultrasound Assisted Extraction of Phenolic Compounds from a Jujube By‐Product with Valuable BioactivitiesBerkani, Farida; Serralheiro, Maria Luisa; Dahmoune, Farid; Ressaissi, Asma; Kadri, Nabil; Remini, Hocine
2015Ultrasound assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from P. lentiscus L. leaves: Comparative study of artificial neural network (ANN) versus degree of experiment for prediction ability of phenolic compounds recoveryDahmoune, Farid; Remini, Hocine; Dairi, Sofiane; Aoun, Omar; Moussi, Kamal; Bouaoudia-Madi, Nadia; Adjeroud, Nawel; Kadri, Nabil; Lefsih, Khalef; Boughan, Lhadi; Mouni, Lotfi; Nayak, Balunkeswar; Madan, Khodir
2015-08-29Ultrasound assisted extraction of phenolic compounds from P. lentiscus L. leaves: Comparative study of artificial neural network (ANN) versus degree of experiment for prediction ability of phenolic compounds recoveryRemini, Hocine; Dahmoune, Farid; Madani, Khodir; Mouni, Lotfi; Nayake, Balunkeswar; Kadrib, Nabil; Boughani, Lhadi; Bouaoudia-Madia, Nadia; Adjerouda, Nawel
2017Une nouvelle démarche de production d'un pur jus d’orange sanguine AlgérienDahmoune, Farid
2016Une nouvelle démarche de production d'un pur jus d’orange sanguine AlgérienDahmoune, Farid