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Showing results 1 to 20 of 24  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2023Advancing Water Quality Research: K-Nearest Neighbor Coupled with the Improved Grey Wolf Optimizer Algorithm Model Unveils New Possibilities for Dry Residue PredictionTahraoui, Hichem; Toumi, Selma; Hassein-Be, Amel Hind; Bousselma, Abla; Sid, Asma Nour El Houda; Belhadj, Abd-Elmouneïm; Triki, Zakaria; Kebir, Mohammed; Amrane, Abdeltif; Zhang, Jie; Assadi, Amin Aymen; Chebli, Derradji; Bouguettoucha, Abdallah; Mouni, Lotfi
2023Aleppo pine seeds (Pinus halepensis Mill.) as a promising novel green coagulant for the removal of Congo red dye: Optimization via machine learning algorithmHadadi, Amina; Imessaoudene, Ali; Bollinger, Jean-Claude; Bouzaza, Abdelkrim; Amrane, Abdeltif; Tahraoui, Hichem; Mouni, Lotfi
2023Application of Walnut Shell Biowaste as an Inexpensive Adsorbent for Methylene Blue Dye: Isotherms, Kinetics, Thermodynamics, and ModelingFarch, Sabrina; Yahoum, Madiha Melha; Toumi, Selma; Tahraoui, Hichem; Lefnaoui, Sonia; Kebir, Mohammed; Zamouche, Meriem; Amrane, Abdeltif; Zhang, Jie; Hadadi, Amina; Mouni, Lotfi
2022-11-14Bacteria in Soil: Promising Bioremediation Agents in Arid and Semi-Arid Environments for Cereal Growth EnhancementRai, Abdelwahab; Belkacem, Mohamed; Assadi, Imen; Bollinger, Jean‐Claude; Elfalleh, Walid; Assadi, Aymen Amine; Amrane, Abdeltif; Mouni, Lotfi
2023Comparative Investigation of the Effect of EggshellPowder and Calcium Carbonate as Additivesin Eco-Friendly Polymer Drilling FluidsSid, Asma Nour El Houda; Tahraoui, Hichem; Kebir, Mohammed; Bezzekhami, Mohammed Amin; Kouini, Benalia; Hassein-Bey, Amel Hind; Selma, Toumi; Amrane, Abdeltif; Imessaoudene, Ali; Mouni, Lotfi
2023Complete Elimination of the Ciprofloxacin Antibiotic from Water by the Combination of Adsorption–Photocatalysis Process Using Natural Hydroxyapatite and TiO2Cheikh, Sabrina; Imessaoudene, Ali; Bollinger, Jean-Claude; Hadadi, Amina; Manseri, Amar; Bouzaza, Abdelkrim; Assadi, Aymen; Amrane, Abdeltif; Zamouche, Meriem; El Jery, Atef; Mouni, Lotfi
2023Designing an Efficient Surfactant–Polymer–Oil–Electrolyte System: A Multi-Objective Optimization StudyNedjhioui, Mohammed; Nasrallah, Noureddine; Kebir, Mohammed; Tahraoui, Hichem; Bouallouche, Rachida; Assadi, Aymen Amin; Amrane, Abdeltif; Jaouadi, Bassem; Zhang, Jie; Mouni, Lotfi
2023Development of New Alkylated Carrageenan Derivatives: Physicochemical, Rheological, and Emulsification Properties AssessmentToumi, Selma; Yahoum, Madiha Melha; Lefnaoui, Sonia; Hadjsadok, Abdelkader; Sid, Asma Nour El Houda; Hassein-Bey, Amel Hind; Amrane, Abdeltif; Zhang, Jie; Assadi, Amin Aymen; Mouni, Lotfi
2023-10-25Efficient and Low-CostWater Remediation for Chitosan Derived from ShrimpWaste, an EcofriendlyMaterial: KineticsModeling, Response SurfaceMethodology Optimization, andMechanismBenazouz, Kheira; Bouchelkia, Nasma; Imessaoudene, Ali; Bollinger, Jean-Claude; Amrane, Abdeltif; Assadi, Aymen Amine; Zeghioud, Hicham; Mouni, Lotfi
2023Energy and Exergy Analyses of a PWR-Type Nuclear Power Plant Coupled with an ME-TVC-MED Desalination SystemTriki, Zakaria; Menasri, Rabah; Bouaziz, Mohamed Najib; Tahraoui, Hichem; Kebir, Mohammed; Amrane, Abdeltif; Zhang, Jie; Mouni, Lotfi
2024Enhanced Adsorption Capacity of Methylene Blue Dye onto Kaolin through Acid Treatment: Batch Adsorption and Machine Learning StudiesHamri, Nadia; Imessaoudene, Ali; Hadad, Amina; Cheikh, Sabrina; Boukerroui, Abdelkader; Bollinger, Jean-Claude; Amrane, Abdeltif; Tahraoui, Hichem; Tran, Hai Nguyen; Al-Lohedan, Hamad A.; Ezzat, Abdelrahman; Mouni, Lotfi
2023-03-23Experimental Analysis and Neural Network Modeling of the Rheological Behavior of Xanthan Gum and Its DerivativesYahoum, Madiha Melha; Toumi, Selma; Hentabli, Salma; Tahraoui, Hichem; Lefnaoui, Sonia; Hadjsadok, Abdelkader; Amrane, Abdeltif; Kebir, Mohammed; Moula, Nassim; Assadi, Amin Aymen; Zhang, Jie; Mouni, Lotfi
2023Experimental Analysis and Neural Network Modeling of the Rheological Behavior of Xanthan Gum and Its DerivativesYahoum, Madiha Melha; Toumi, Selma; Hentabl, Salma; Tahraoui, Hichem; Lefnaoui, Sonia; Hadjsado, Abdelkader; Amrane, Abdeltif; Kebir, Mohammed; Moula, Nassim; Assadi, Amin Aymen; Zhang, Jie; Mouni, Lotfi
2023-02Jujube stones based highly efficient activated carbon for methylene blue adsorption: Kinetics and isotherms modeling, thermodynamics and mechanism study, optimization via response surface methodology and machine learning approachesBouchelkia, Nasma; Amrane, Abdeltif; Belkacemi, Hayet; Bollinger, Jean-Claude; Bouzaza, Abdelkrim; Zoukel, Abdelhalim; Zhang, Jie; i Mouni, Lotf; Tahraoui, Hichem
2024Molecular Amplification and Cell Culturing Efficiency for Enteroviruses’ Detection in Cerebrospinal Fluids of Algerian Patients Suffering from MeningitisRai, Abdelwahab; Amm, Zohra; Anes-Boulahbal, Dahbia Leila; ASSADI, Aymen Amin; Amrane, Abdeltif; Baaloudj, Oussama; Mouni, Lotfi
2024-01-23Molecular Amplification and Cell Culturing Efficiency for Enteroviruses’ Detection in Cerebrospinal Fluids of Algerian Patients Suffering from MeningitisRai, Abdelwahab; Ammi, Zohra; Anes-Boulahbal, Dahbia Leila; Assadi, Aymen Amin; Amrane, Abdeltif; Baaloudj, Oussama; Mouni, Lotfi
2024Molecular Amplification and Cell Culturing Efficiency for Enteroviruses’ Detection in Cerebrospinal Fluids of Algerian Patients Suffering from MeningitisRai, Abdelwahab; Ammi, Zohra; Boulahbal, Dahbia Leila Anes; ASSADI, Aymen Amin; Amrane, Abdeltif; Baaloudj, Oussama; Mouni, Lotfi
2023Optimization and Prediction of Stability of Emulsified Liquid Membrane (ELM): Artificial Neural NetworkZamouche, Meriem; Tahraoui, Hichem; Laggoun, Zakaria; Mechati 1, Sabrina; Chemchmi, Rayene; Imran Kanjal, Muhammad; Amrane, Abdeltif; Hadadi, Amina
2023Optimization and Prediction of Stability of Emulsified Liquid Membrane (ELM): Artificial Neural NetworkZamouche, Meriem; Tahraoui, Hichem; Laggoun, Zakaria; Mechati, Sabrina; Chemchmi, Rayene; Imran Kanjal, Muhammad; Amrane, Abdeltif; Hadadi, Amina; Mouni, Lotfi
2023Optimization and Prediction of Stability of Emulsified Liquid Membrane (ELM): Artificial Neural NetworkZamouche, Meriem; Tahraoui, Hichem; Laggoun, Zakaria; Mechati, Sabrina; Chemchmi, Rayene; Imran Kanjal, Muhammad; Amrane, Abdeltif; Hadadi, Amina; Mouni, Lotfi