Browsing by Author Belkhiri, Lazhar

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2010-11-15Application of multivariate statistical methods and inverse geochemical modeling for characterization of groundwater — A case study: Ain Azel plain (Algeria)Belkhiri, Lazhar; Boudoukha, Abderrahmane; Mouni, Lotfi; Baouz, Toufik
2010-11-15Application of multivariate statistical methods and inverse geochemical modeling for characterization of groundwater—a case study: Ain Azel plain (Algeria)Belkhiri, Lazhar; Boudoukha, Abderrahmane; Mouni, Lotfi
2017Evaluation of potential health risk of heavy metals in groundwater using the integration of indicator kriging and multivariate statistical methodsBelkhiri, Lazhar; Mouni, Lotfi; Sheikhy Narany, Tahoora; Tiri, Ammar
2014Geochemical Characterization of Surface Water and Groundwater in Soummam Basin, AlgeriaBelkhiri, Lazhar; Mouni, Lotfi
2023Identification of the Groundwater Quality and Potential Noncarcinogenic Health Risk Assessment of Nitrate in the Groundwater of El Milia Plain, Kebir Rhumel Basin, AlgeriaBrella, Djouhaina; Belkhiri, Lazhar; Tir, Ammar; Salhi, Hichem; Elhadj Lakouas, Fatma; Nouibe, Razki; Amrane, Adeltif; Merdoud, Ryma; Mouni, Lotfi
2017-02-15Interactions between Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn and four different mine soilsMouni, Lotfi; Belkhiri, Lazhar; Bouzaza, Abdelkrim; Bollinger, Jean-Claude
2013Monometal and competitive sorption of heavy metals in mine soils:Influence of mine soil characteristicsMouni, Lotfi; Belkhiri, Lazhar; Merabet, Djoudi; Bouzaza, Abdelkrim
2014Multivariate statistical analysis of groundwater chemistry data: The Soummam basin, AlgeriaBelkhiri, Lazhar; Mouni, Lotfi
2016Removal of lead(II) from water using activated carbon developed from jujube stones, a low-cost sorbentBouchelkia, Nasma; Mouni, Lotfi; Belkhiri, Lazhar; Bouzaza, Abdelkrim; Bollinger, Jean-Claude; Madani, Khoudir; Dahmoune, Farid
2018Removal of Methylene Blue from aqueous solutions by adsorption on Kaolin:Kinetic and equilibrium studiesMouni, Lotfi; Belkhiri, Lazhar; Bollinger, Jean-Claude; Bouzaza, Abdelkrim; Assadi, Aymen; Tirri, Amar; Dahmoun, Farid; Madani, Khodir; Remini, Houcine
2013Removal of Pb (II) from aqueous solution by adsorption using activated carbon developed from Apricot stone: equilibrium and kineticMouni, Lotfi; Belkhiri, Lazhar; Zouggaghe, Fatah; Tafer, Mourad
2020-08Spatial distribution of the groundwater quality using kriging and Co-kriging interpolationsBelkhiri, Lazhar; Ammar, Tiria; Mouni, Lotfi
2023-09-08Study and Characterization of H3PO4 Activated Carbons Prepared from Jujube Stones for the Treatment of Industrial Textile EffluentsBouchelkia, Nasma; Benazouz, Kheira; Mameri, Amal; Belkhiri, Lazhar; Hamri, Nadia; Belkacemi, Hayet; Zoukel, Abdelhalim; Amrane, Abdeltif; Aoulmi, Fodil; Mouni, Lotfi