Browsing by Author Bouhdjer, Lazhar

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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009CdTe aggregates in KBr crystalline matrixBouhdjer, Lazhar
2004Characterization of CdS nanocrystals embedded in KCl single crystal matrix grown by Czochralski methodBouhdjer, Lazhar
2016Colloidal synthesis of nanostructured pure ZnO and Cd doped ZnO thin films and their characterizationBouhdjer, Lazhar
2013Copper phthalocyanine nanocrystals embedded into polymer host: Preparation and structural characterizationBouhdjer, Lazhar
2017-09-01CuO nanocrystals embedded in KBr single crystal: Elaboration and characterizationBouhdjer, Lazhar
2012Effect of deposition time on structural and optical properties ofZnS thin films elaborated by spray ultrasonic methodBouhdjer, Lazhar
2016-10-01Elaboration and characterization of a KCl single crystal doped with Er3+Bouhdjer, Lazhar
2016Elaboration and characterization of a KCl single crystal doped with nanocrystals of a Sb2O3 semiconductorBouhdjer, Lazhar
2007-12-06Elaboration and study of optical properties of CdSe nanocrystals dispersed in a KBr monocrystalline crystallne matrix and in a thin film of SiO2 amorphous matrixBouhdjer, Lazhar
2015Elaboration et caractérisation de materiaux composites KBr/CdSe et KCl/CdSe pour la PhotoniqueBouhdjer, Lazhar
2012Etude structurale et optique de l’hybride polystyrene/nanocristaux de ZnOBouhdjer, Lazhar
2009Fabrication and characterization of pure and Sn/Sb-doped ZnO thin films deposited by sol–gel methodBouhdjer, Lazhar
2018-09-01Incorporation of CdSe quantum dots (QDs) in KH2PO4 (KDP) crystalline host: Processes of elaboration and characterizationBouhdjer, Lazhar
2009Optical properties of ZnO/silica nanocomposites prepared by sol-gel method and deposited by dip-coating techniqueBouhdjer, Lazhar
2011-04-24Optical properties of ZnS nanocrystals/KH2PO4dielectric crystalBouhdjer, Lazhar
2017Sol–gel synthesis of Sr-doped SnO2 thin films and their photocatalytic propertiesBouhdjer, Lazhar
2003Structural and optical characterisation of ZnO nanocrystals embedded in bulk KBr single crystalBouhdjer, Lazhar
2009-12-10Structural and optical characterization of hybrid nanocomposite ZnO/PMMABouhdjer, Lazhar
2013Structural and optical properties of a NaCl single crystal doped with CuO nanocrystalsBouhdjer, Lazhar
2004Structural and optical properties of CdS nanocrystals embedded in NaCl single crystalsBouhdjer, Lazhar