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Titre: Inventaire des orchidées de la Kabylie des Babors (Algérie) – éléments de cartographie et enjeux patrimoniaux
Auteur(s): Franck Bougaham, Abdelazize
Bouchibane, Mebarek
Véla, Errol
Mots-clés: Orchidaceae
Platanthera kuenkelei
patrimonial value
Kabylia of the Babors
north eastern Algeria
Date de publication: 2015
Editeur: Université de Bouira
Référence bibliographique: Journal Europäischer Orchideen
Résumé: Bougaham, A.F., Bouchibane, M. & E. Véla (2015): Orchid inventory of Babors-Kabylie (Algeria) - mapping elements and conservational issues.- J. Eur. Orch. 47 (1): 88-110. The orchids of Babors Kabylia (north eastern Algeria) remain understudied despite the importance of this key area for biodiversity and the recent interest of Algerian botanists into orchids family. They were inventoried during the spring period extending from 2011 to 2014. Twenty-seven taxa (species or subspecies) were recorded (plus two others in the literature) divided into nine genera (ten with literature). The genus Ophrys is the most diverse with eight species ; genus Orchis comes in second place with five species. Four of these species are mentioned for the first time in this phytogeographical area known as "Petite Kabylie". The study area harbour twelve (46%) species which are of high patrimonial value. Among them, five are rare, four fairly rare and one extremely rare species and in parallel six species are protected by the Algerian law, while three are Algero-Tunisian endemism. This relatively high orchid diversity is due in large part to the exceptional weather conditions, combined with a relative landscape originality in the mountainous areas of Kabylia of the Babors, fairly well preserved.
Collection(s) :Articles

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