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Title: L’apport de l’électrochimie dans le développement de stockage de l’énergie
Authors: Hamidou, Slimane
Chebab, Saloua
Keywords: : Energie, stockage d’énergie, accumulateurs, piles,: Energie, stockage d’énergie, accumulateurs, piles, batteries
Issue Date: 3-Mar-2020
Publisher: Université Akli Mohand Oulhadj de Bouira
Abstract: Energy storage is about saving a quantity of energy for later use. Several disciplines such as electrochemistry are interested in the development of storage means, hence the birth of electrochemical generators (cell, battery) present promising solutions in the fields of transport and Autonomy and constitute a preferred solution which should lead to new developments. Key words: Energy, energy storage, accumulators, cells, batteries.
Appears in Collections:Mémoires Master

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