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Title: Réalisation d’un bras manipulateur à base d’Arduino
Authors: BOUZIR, Rami
KACIMI, Athman
Keywords: Bras manipulateur, Arduino, Bluetooth
application Android, microcontrôleur
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Université Akli Mohand Oulhadj de Bouira
Abstract: Robotics is currently the subject of many developments. As part of the graduation project, we are interested in control and realization of a manipulator arm with 3 degrees freedom, it is an articulated mechanical structure, actuated by servomotors and controlled by the Arduino board. We controlled the robot arm by an Android application in an android phone that we created using the "MIT APP INVENTOR" a software that make it easier for us to control the manipulator arm
Appears in Collections:Mémoires Master

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