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Title: Electrocoagulation des solutions turbides en présence de biofloculant Opuntia Ficus Indica
Authors: DJADI, Melkhir
Keywords: Electrocoagulation, électrodes en aluminium, bio floculant « Opuntia Ficus Indica »
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Université Akli Mohand Oulhadj de Bouira
Abstract: In this work, we studied Electrocoagulation of turbid solutions in the presence of bioflocculant “OpuntiaFicusIndica”. First, we studied the effect of different parameters influencing the process (the effect of current intensity, the effect of conductivity, the effect of salt, the effect of the concentration of bentonite) in the presence of bio flocculant, we could optimize the process by the bipolar mode (ECB) We were able to conclude that EC is an attractive drinking water production process, to say the least, under our experimental conditions, especially when the use of bio flocculant Key words: Electrocoagulation, aluminum electrodes, bio flocculant "OpuntiaFicusIndica"
Appears in Collections:Mémoires Master

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