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dc.contributor.authorMelle AYACHE, Samira-
dc.contributor.authorHAMSI, Fazia-
dc.description.abstractDuring these last decades, a major interest is given to the research of techniques promoting the increase of potentialities in drinking water. A comprehensive theoretical study of the fluorine species was carried out to determine the different effects (toxic and beneficial effects) on human health and to select the most appropriate method for the elimination of this species, respecting the specific international standards recommended by the Word Health Organization. The objective set in this work was to study the defluoridation of highly fluorinated waters by various procedures, namely membrane, electrochemical and conventional processes. As well as, highlighting the performance of certain types of treatment. The analysis of the work that has been done and that we have outlined will lead to the conclusion that the quality of the water to be treated affects, sufficiently, the choice of the process which is based, essentially, on the fluorine retention rate, reduction of salinity combined with energy consumption.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Akli Mohand Oulhadj de Bouiraen_US
dc.titleÉlimination des ions fluorures dans les eaux potablesen_US
Collection(s) :Mémoires Master

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