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dc.contributor.authorBOUDISSA Dahmane Lyes, Dahmane Lyes-
dc.contributor.authorMOHAMMED MERABET, Mohamed Amine-
dc.description.abstractThe emergence of blockchain technology has come to enhance the independence of the Internet as a decentralized technology for managing transactions and data, which enables individuals and companies to cooperate with confidence and near-absolute transparency in the network, as an immutable ledger, the interest in this technology has increased and become covering many services, including finance, industrial fields, Internet of things, etc. many decentralized applications take advantage of this technology. The goal of our study is to make this technology more practical, by designing and developing a blockchain-based application. The application we propose provides an efficient solution for the ordinary milk supply chain by integrating IoT solutions, However, different types of blockchain can handle supply chain issues using whether public or private blockchains. Therefore, selecting a suitable solution among these different types is deemed as the second scope of our work. We have led a performance analyses of both types of blockchain in terms of throughput and latency. Our simulations and results validation shows a clear tradeoff between both technologies, so the discussion of the results could be efficient and useful for any further relevant studies.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Akli Mohand Oulhadj.Bouiraen_US
dc.subjectSmart contracts,en_US
dc.subjectPublic blockchain,en_US
dc.titleDesigning and implementation of smart contracts system for Internet of things applicationen_US
Collection(s) :Mémoires Master

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