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Title: Smart Warehousing Management System(WMS) based on Internet of Things
Authors: Ouail, Walid
Ouail, Anwar kamel
Keywords: Internet of Things ; geolocalisation
tracking ; radio frequency identi cation
Issue Date: 2021
Publisher: université akli mohand oulhadj-bouira
Abstract: Today, the volume of global trading is increasing, and the management of the supply chain systems is getting complicated. Di erent entities can be involved in such a complicated process, from the manufactory, passing by the warehousing, transportation, arriving at the nal consumer. Each entity has its management system, which makes the global management inconsistent and di cult to follow. Our work aims to propose, realize, and implement a system for warehousing management and item tracking based on the Internet of things. The performance evaluation and functionalities show the e ciency of our system
Appears in Collections:Mémoires Master

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