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dc.contributor.authorKERROUM, Fathia-
dc.identifier.citationuniv- bouiraen_US
dc.descriptionTeaching of English; Pronunciation; Third year textbook; Baccalaureate in Algeria; Teacher Trainingen_US
dc.description.abstractPronunciation usually is the first noticeable skill while we speak. In Algeria, however, its teaching is granted the least attention despite the difficulty of its acquisition. This article seeks to elevate pronunciation teaching and assessment as it clarifies how teachers consider the use of the third year textbook of English in the secondary education. A survey questionnaire has been conducted among 70 teachers in the Wilaya of Bouira in middle Algeria. The results of the study have confirmed the researcher’s hypothesis that pronunciation is not having a worthy attention both in the textbook and in the official BAC examen_US
dc.subjectThe Evaluation of the Instruction of EFL Pronunciation in the Algerian Secondary Schools A Case Study within Baccalaureate Candidatesen_US
dc.titleThe Evaluation of the Instruction of EFL Pronunciation in the Algerian Secondary Schools A Case Study within Baccalaureate Candidatesen_US
dc.title.alternativeتقييم تعليم نطق اللغة الانجليزية كلغة أجنبية بالمدارس الثانوية الجزائرية دراسة حالة مرشحي البكالورياen_US
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