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Titre: Design Simulation and Realization of UAV
Auteur(s): Belhadjer, Younes
Naceri, Billel
Mots-clés: types of Multirotors ; Dynamic Modeling
Quadrotor ; MATLAB
Date de publication: 2021
Editeur: université akli mohand oulhadj-bouira
Résumé: This thesis is about making the conception, modelling, design and control of a mini quadrotor with a focus on hovering state system. It introduces a conception of a 500mm quadcopter, mathematical model for simulation and control of such system. It then describes the realization of the prototype quadrotor. The methodology is subsequently applied to design an autonomous quadrotor, that is able to y via RF and autonomously via the implementation of python scripting, which allowed us to control our quadrotor using gesture commands.
Collection(s) :Mémoires Master

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