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Résultats 2051 à 2060 sur un total de 3447.
Résultats trouvés : Documents
Date de publicationTitreAuteur(s)
2011Scientific and Organizing CommitteesLounici, Hakim
2019Response of Artemisia herba alba to hexavalent chromium pollution under arid and semi-arid conditionsLounici, Hakim
2018Evaluation of the robustness of the enzymatic hydrolysis in batch and continuous mode by a central composite design Authors N Abdi, O Kitous, H Grib, M Drouiche, H Lounici, N Drouiche, N Mameri Publication date 2018/1 Journal Journal of Food Processing and Preservation Volume 42 Issue 1 Pages e13330 Description The main purpose of this work is to study the ability of the enzymatic reaction. For the performance of the experiment, it is desirable to control variations so that they are minimized to the maximum extend and therefore an optimum operating point can be maintained. To achieve this target, the central composite design takes into account all interaction effects that may be useful for creating a mathematical model in agreement with the validity criteria. The model showed to be more suitable for the saccharification experiments in batch mode than in continuous mode. In batch mode, a correlation coefficient close to unity (R2 = .98) was obtained. Moreover, the resulting mathematical model was satisfactory in accordance with the validation criteria. For continuous mode, the coefficient value obtained was R2 = .83 indicating that the model to study the ability of the enzymatic reaction was inferior than the batch mode …Lounici, Hakim
2008Contribution à la connaissance des ressources en eau dans le bassin versant de la Soummam, Amalou Bejaia (ALGERIA); 09/2009 Authors Amine BELBAHI, Hocine REMINI Description Page 1. Thème: Analyse des risques des fosses septiques sur l'alimentation en eau potable, dans la commune Tazmalt (cas des puits) ➢ Présenté par: BELBAHI Amine REMINI Hocine Dr. MADANI K. Contribution à la connaissance des ressources en eau dans le bassin versant de la Soummam, Amalou Bejaia (ALGERIA); 09/2009Remini, Hocine
2014Thesis Title Kinetic study of anthocyanins degradation from blood orange juice during thermal transformation process and storageRemini, Hocine
2016Effect of oven and microwave drying on phenolic compounds and antioxidant capacity of coriander leavesRemini, Hocine
2016Conventional and Microwave-Assisted Extraction of Mucilage from Opuntia ficus-indica Cladodes: Physico-Chemical and Rheological PropertiesRemini, Hocine
2016Phytochemical analysis and antioxidant activity of Eucalyptus globulus: A comparative study between fruits and leaves extractsRemini, Hocine
2013-02-22Programme UE LMD 5.6 Personnes âgées et relations familiales et socialesCHEKNOUN, Mezhoura
2018Extraction of carotenoids from cantaloupe waste and determination of its mineral compositionRemini, Hocine