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Title: Isem Uddis deg temnaḍin At leqsar,Tamellaḥt
Keywords: Isem Uddis deg temnaḍin At leqsar,Tamellaḥt.
Issue Date: 30-Jun-2024
Publisher: Universite akli mohnd oulhdj
Citation: Université Akli Mohand Oulhadj
Abstract: Tamaziγt d tutlayt yellan d tanesbaγurt tebḍa γef waṭas n tentaliwin taccawit tamzabit tatargit taqbaylit , maca tantala taqbaylit tufrar-d gar –asent , d annar n waṭas n yifarasen iseklanen d isnilsanen, imi tuget n leqdicat d yisaragen d yesnulfayen yella-d yes-s ,tmeslayen-tt deg waṭas n temnaḍin n Lezzayer maca anda i d-tban s waṭas Tubiret,Bgayet,Tizi-Wezzu Tintaliwin-agi s yimad-nsent bḍant d timeslayin yal agdud s tmeslayt-is, temgarad γef tayeḍ deg wawalen deg ususru deg unamek.yal yiwen amek yessawaḍ izen-is d tekt-is, acku tamslayt d allal n taywalt, d izen ni i yesttruḥun seg umazan γer unermas, dγa annect-a i aγ-d ijebden lwelha akken ad neg fell-as anadi.
Description: Isem Uddis deg temnaḍin At leqsar,Tamellaḥt.
Appears in Collections:Mémoires Master

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