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Title: Family As A Destructive Factor: A Clinical Study
Authors: Salmi, Hayet
Keywords: Family; family protective factors; family risk factors
domestic violence; psychological traumaape; suicide and psychotherapy
Issue Date: Oct-2024
Publisher: Université Akli Mohand Oulhadj Bouira
Citation: Université Akli Mohand Oulhadj Bouira
Series/Report no.: Journal for Re Attach Therapy and Developmental Diversities;Vol.07-N.°06
Abstract: This article explores the significance of the family and its power to shape the destiny of its members, showcasing a psychological support case for a young woman who grew up in a family where violence was the primary form of communication. By analyzing the cumulative effects of the violence she endured, we will present the case's diagnosis and the key stages of this support, emphasizing its significance in easing her suffering and assisting her in overcoming the challenging events in her family. We will highlight the psychological state that this young woman reached, which tragically culminated in a suicide attempt. We will present a clinical case study that highlights the challenges and stakes the subject faced during her psychological treatment journey to overcome her suffering and the negative impact of her family on her.
ISSN: 2589-7799
Appears in Collections:Articles

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