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dc.contributor.authorMostefaoui, Sohaib-
dc.contributor.authorHabi, Larbi-
dc.description.abstractThe permanent magnet synchronous motor (PMSM) is increasingly used in the industrial field due to its superior performance compared to other types of motors. This work focuses on the control of the PMSM. The modeling of the pulse width modulation control motor has been studied.The first part deals with vector control using a conventional PI controller and a fractional PID mode; both have acceptable responses and are with in the required range, but during our study, it was noticed that the control by fractional PID controllers is more acceptable.The second part focuses on the sliding mode control, which is more efficient.en_US
dc.publisherUniversité Akli Mohend Oulhadj-Bouiraen_US
dc.subjectmoteur synchrone à aimants permanents (MSAP),en_US
dc.subjectcommande vectorielle; fractionnaire, commande par mode glissant.en_US
dc.titleEtude comparative de différant stratégies de control de la MSAPen_US
Collection(s) :Mémoires Master

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