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dc.contributor.authorLounici, Hakim-
dc.identifier.citationElsevier Scienceen_US
dc.description.abstractThe presentwork deals with the removal ofMetribuzin from aqueous solutions in a batch and continuous mode using electrosorption technique. This technique is based on the combination of two processes: the adsorption of Metribuzin into activated granular carbon (GAC) column and the application of the electrochemical potential. The effects of various experimental parameters (electrochemical potential, volumetric flow rate and initial Metribuzin concentration) on the removal efficiency were investigated. The pesticide sorption capacity at the breakthrough point of the GAC column reached 22mgpesticide gGAC −1. It was increased by more than 100% when the desired electrical potential (−50 mV/SCE) was applied in comparison with the conventional GAC column in similar experimental conditions without electrical potential. Evenmore, the electrosorption technique reduced considerably the drastic decrease encountered when passing from batch mode to continuous column mode.en_US
dc.publisheruniversite de bouiraen_US
dc.subjectElectrosorption Pesticide Electrochemical potential Metribuzin Water treatmenten_US
dc.titleApplication of the electrosorption technique to remove Metribuzin pesticideen_US
Collection(s) :Articles

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