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Titre: The First Example of Kyanit-Staurolite-Garnet–Bearing Metapelites from the Hoggar (Egéré Terrane, South Algeria)
Auteur(s): Arab, Amar
Ouzegane, Khadidja
Bendaoud, Abderrahmane
Doukkari, Sidali
Godard, Gaston
Mots-clés: Hoggar
Residual Metapelites
P–T path
Date de publication: 12-nov-2018
Editeur: Université de Bouira
Référence bibliographique: Conference of the Arabian Journal of Geosciences,Pages 67-70
Résumé: Metapelites containing kyanite, garnet, staurolite, biotitecordierite, and spinel are relatively rare. However, theyhave been reported from a numerous metamorphicterranes around the world. kyanite-garnet-staurolite–bearing metapelites have been identified among thevarious lithologies featuring the Egéréarea (CentralHoggar). These rocks contain mineral assemblages con-sisting of garnet, kyanite, quartz, staurolite, spinel,cordierite, biotite,±plagioclase and muscovite. Theserocks display complex symplectites and coronas reactiontextures comprises spinel and cordierite resulted from thebreakdown of the peak paragenesis formed by garnet,kyanite and staurolite. Garnets porphyroblasts with inclu-sions of quartz, biotite, plagioclase, and rutile reveal anobvious compositional core–rim–outr-rim zonation, par-ticularly in grossular, and pyrope, which is related to themetamorphic evolution of their host metapelitic rocks.Phengitic white micas display high-Si content thatindicates crystallization under relatively high pressureconditions. The textural observations and mineral chem-ical compositions described in this contribution areinterpreted via the application of P–T pseudosections,which were calculated in the system MnO–Na2O–CaO–K2O–FeO–MgO–Al2O3–SiO2–H2O–TiO2(MnNCKFMASHT). The obtained results indicate that the metamorphicevolution recorded in these rocks started at pic conditions
Description: Metapelites containing kyanite, garnet, staurolite, biotite cordierite, and spinel are relatively rare. However, they have been reported from a numerous metamorphic terranes around the world. kyanite-garnet-staurolite–bearing metapelites have been identified among the various lithologies featuring the Egéré area (Central Hoggar). These rocks contain mineral assemblages consisting of garnet, kyanite, quartz, staurolite, spinel, cordierite, biotite, ± plagioclase and muscovite. These rocks display complex symplectites and coronas reaction textures comprises spinel and cordierite resulted from the breakdown of the peak paragenesis formed by garnet, kyanite and staurolite. Garnets porphyroblasts with inclusions of quartz, biotite, plagioclase, and rutile reveal an obvious compositional core–rim–outr-rim zonation, particularly in grossular, and pyrope, which is related to the metamorphic evolution of their host metapelitic …
Collection(s) :Articles

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