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Titre: Twinning of bio-indicators and a monitoring network of air quality for the detection of SO2 pollution in the area of Annaba (Algeria).
Auteur(s): Maizi, Naila
Alioua, Amel
Tahar, Ali
Mots-clés: physico-chemical
Date de publication: 2012
Editeur: Université de Bouira
Référence bibliographique: Biotechnologie, Agronomie, Société et Environnement;Volume16, Numéro 2, Pages 149-158
Résumé: The city of Annaba is regarded as one of the most polluted cities in Algeria. On one hand, there is the existence of an iron and steel complex, ISPAT, and a very important fleet in relation to distance travelled, on the other hand, this region shares certain topographical features and creates a climate conducive to the development of pollution. In this context, we focused our work on the study of SO2 pollution by using the results recorded by physico-chemical sensors at the level of network monitoring and control of air quality stations in the region of Annaba, baptized "Sama Safia" and the results of bio-indicators Xanthoria parietina and Funaria hygrometrica. A relevant strategy of sampling, a follow-up space-time and the measurement of certain physiological parameters (chlorophyl, proline, breathing) combined with the proportioning of SO2 were done. The twinning of the two results (physico-chemical sensors and bio-accumulators) showed correlations ranging from significant to highly significant not only between the parameters measured and determination of SO2 but also between bio-indicators and physico-chemical sensors, also the sensitivity and battery power of these two bio-indicators have allowed a better characterization of air pollution in this area.
ISSN: 1370-6233
Collection(s) :Articles

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